Winter 2019-20, Week 21 of 25
Dear Farm Members,
I want to start with a wholehearted ‘thank you!’ to all of you for the overwhelming support you’ve shown us over the last few weeks. We are proud and honored to be your chosen source of produce during this time. Thank you for telling your friends and family about us, for sharing photos of your boxes, and for sharing recipes you’re enjoying with your family as you reconnect around the dinner table. We appreciate you all so much!
We’ve experienced a bump in membership in the past few weeks, and as a result there are a few logistical things we want to remind you about...
First off, please continue to follow the covid-19 protocols for pick up as listed below and in your weekly delivery reminder email. It is absolutely essential that you are initialing the delivery list (BYOP - bring your own pen!) and taking only what you have ordered.
Some of you may see volunteer site hosts at your pick up sites over the next few weeks. We know that you’re relying on this produce, and want to make sure each and every one of you ends up with exactly what you’ve ordered.
Many of you have asked about the CSA boxes and how we handle them. We’d like the boxes back for reuse. We pack the boxes (while wearing masks) and deliver them to the sites on Wednesday and Thursday. All boxes are packed by employees that are in good health. When you bring the box back to the pick up site the following week, the box sits at the site (in a neat, unfolded stack) for a week. Our drivers pick up the old boxes when we deliver the following week's boxes. These boxes then sit at our farm for an additional week before being packed with shares. Given the CDC guidelines that COVID-19 can survive on cardboard for 24-72 hours, we feel that this generous two-week wait time ensures that our boxes are completely safe for use.
We are constantly revisiting and strategizing about the best ways to navigate this new reality, while also continuing to operate as an essential business. If you have any questions or concerns about our practices, please feel free to reach out. We want you to feel comfortable and safe! As always, we recommend washing your produce before enjoying.
We will be spending this week welcoming the sun back into our lives and carefully tending to our earliest crops. As we plant our main season onions (a whopping 40 thousand!) we’ll be daydreaming about onion rings, mirepoix, french onion soup, caramelized onion deliciousness and much more.
Farmer Grace
Disclaimer: Box contents are dependent on actual harvest, but this is what you’ll likely receive in your boxes.
Celery (Pinnacle)
Lettuce (Pinnacle)
Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)
Artichokes (Coke Farm)
Salad Turnips (Coke Farm)
Dill (Coke Farm)
Leeks (Riverdog)
Collard Greens (Riverdog)
Carrots (Riverdog)
Onions (Coke Farm)
Celery (Pinnacle)
Lettuce (Pinnacle)
Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)
Salad Turnips (Coke Farm)
Dill (Coke Farm)
Leeks (Riverdog)
Collard Greens (Riverdog)
Sign-ups are open for Summer Fruit Shares! Available June 2nd - October 15th.
BREAD SHARE: (Provided by John's Bread)
Bread can be ordered two different ways:
You can log into your account each week and order bread as a stand-alone item for one time delivery
You can subscribe to John's Bread share which runs until May 31st
Both options are charged via a credit card each week. You’ll need to log in to complete your order. If you don’t already have an account with CSAware, you’ll need to create one. Orders placed by Saturday at 11 pm will be available for pick up the following week. You’ll get a confirmation email the morning of your delivery.
EARLY SPRING FLOWERS: (Provided by Little Boy Flowers)
This is Week 5 of 8 of the Early Spring Flower Share.
Sign up for the Summer Flower Share here.
Recipes may sometimes call for more or less of a certain item in your boxes, or an ingredient you might not have on hand. We encourage you to enjoy the creativity associated with eating locally and seasonally.
Tangy Potato and Leek Salad (add dill)
We will be temporarily shortening the pickup hours for all sites and asking you to pick up by 7 pm. Please maintain social distancing while you pick up. If you have an issue, let us know and we'll help sort it out.
1. The delivery list is an integral part of our operation. We ask that you bring your own pen to the drop site and initial for your order. As always, please only take what has been delivered for you.
2. We ask that you only touch the box/bag/bouquet that are a part of your order.
3. We are asking that you pick up your box from the site and take it home with you to prevent the amount of time you are spending at your CSA site. If you’d like to pack it into a reusable bag, please feel free to do that at your car.
4. If you are sick, please send a friend to pick up for you and let them know about the pick up procedure. If you cannot leave home, or need help with pickup, please let us know and we will endeavor to find a way to get you your box.
5. All produce has been packed by farm employees who are in good health and following our food safety policies.
If there's a problem, please take what we’ve delivered for you and contact us by email or phone.
If you share your subscription, please use make sure you check in every week about who will pick up so one of you does not accidentally take someone else's order.
If you send someone else to pick up for you, please make sure they know the pick up procedure.
Log into your account with CSAware (place your box on hold, update your account, renew your subscription)
Pick up Sites Information
Current Members
Mountain Bounty Farm