Our Crew

Our farm is owned by John Tecklin and co-managed by Maia Lipkin, Cory Jones with our farm managers involved every step of the way. Mountain Bounty is a team farm, with our crew working together throughout the day. We are only able to accomplish our goals because our of crew and we deeply appreciate them. We are very fortunate to be a part of such a fun, talented, and hardworking crew! Scroll through our gallery below to see the many faces that make up Mountain Bounty Farm.

John tecklin

Beet lover John Tecklin grew up in the backwoods of Nevada County in a small log cabin with no electricity, phone, or hot running water.

In 1995, after careers as a chimney sweep, stonemason, and Outward Bound instructor, he became obsessed with gardening and got a job on one of the nation’s early CSA farms in Portland, Oregon.

In 1997, he moved back to his ancestral homeland and started Mountain Bounty Farm. He remains deeply committed to the CSA ideal — a community of eaters pledges their support for a local farm, and in return the farmers put all their heart and skill into producing the best possible food. More than anything else, he loves the physical act of farming: the challenge, the magic, and the beauty. John’s other enthusiasms include playing with his two sons, mountain biking, backcountry skiing, and surfing.


Maia lipkin

Maia is enchanted with the physical nature of farming- hands caked in dried soil, her strength building with the season, and the ability to eat like a queen.

When she’s not farming, she’s usually thinking about food while out on long walks in the Sierra foothills, or crawling up and swimming down rapids in the Yuba.

This will be Maia’s 12th year at Mountain Bounty.


Mississippi’s finest!!

Cory Jones is a calm and powerful force on the Mountain Bounty Team. Cory leads our Bircvhille irrigation and field preparation team and does an amazing job caring for our plants in the field.

Outside of farming, Cory enjoys snowboarding, college football, dirt biking and spending time tinkering with farm projects.

Cory started with Mountain Bounty Farm in 2010 and after a few years in New Jersey, he’s back! We’re very lucky to have him on our team.


Kale Riley

After a childhood spent eating steamed broccoli and ketchup in the suburbs of southern California, Kale moved north in search of water.

In Santa Cruz she discovered a love for growing things that carried her all the way to Mountain Bounty, where no one ever seems to mind that she walks very fast. Hard work, long days spent outside, the ever-changing rhythm of the season, and endless tomato sandwiches have kept her passion for farming alive and growing.

When she’s not at the farm or moonlighting as a florist, Kale spends her days milking goats, collecting ghost stories and snuggling her dog Idgie.


CSA Manager

Becky started out at Mountain Bounty as a volunteer 8 years ago and just never left. Once her family got hooked on farm-fresh carrots, she knew she had to stick around! She also has a really cute and fluffy Great Pyrenees who periodically visits the farm. She also really likes heavy music and thinks farming is very metal.


Mike Berlin is our local delivery driver, farmhand, delivery truck mechanic and overall farm handyperson. He is our very own R2D2 on the farm, always equipped with his array of tools and a knack for fixing anything that needs repair.


Kyla started working part time at the farm when she moved to Nevada City in 2020. It ended up being a pretty smooth transition from her past career in habitat restoration. She loves working with her hands, enjoying fresh produce, and spending time at the Yuba River.

Lex cook

Lex loves turnips. Come find her at the Nevada City Farmers Market!