Winter 2019-20, Week 20 of 25
Dear Farm Members,
With many of our usual tasks on hold for drier days, this week finds our crew doubling down on some good old fashioned scotch broom clearing. Scotch broom is a non-native invasive species - a pernicious weed that thrives outside the constraints of its native environment. It has a tendency to grow in dense swaths that appear to double in size when left unattended - easy enough to do in any season other than this one, when the appearance of highlighter yellow flowers renders it refreshingly conspicuous. Scotch broom’s ability to spread explosively is in part the reason for the task at hand, as it has a habit of shading out native plants and can be quite the fire hazard as well.
Fortunately, many years of diligent management have pushed our scotch broom population into the less trafficked edges and corners of the farm. Constant vigilance! We patrol the perimeter of both sites annually, spreading out into the brush armed with shovels, gloves, and the unwavering resolve to remove any specimens that might cross our paths. It’s easier said than done - the plant’s thick taproot is a formidable foe, requiring rather aggressive shoveling and a carefully applied degree of leverage. We’ve lost many shovel handles to this particular pursuit.
This yearly ritual of cleaning up and caring for the less utilitarian parts of the farm is deeply gratifying. Physically challenging, even frustrating at times, but also quite intentional and filled with love for this land that gives so much of itself to us. It’s a moment to think about responsibility and stewardship, and to reflect on the ways in which we work outside of our immediate purpose to respond to the needs of a bigger picture.
Here’s hoping this week finds you all safe and well! Wherever we might be, home or otherwise, there is always good work to be done.
Farmer Kale
CSA Members - We need your help. We know that now, more than ever, you are relying on your shares in order to avoid the grocery stores and to feed your family.
We are asking that you are extra diligent about checking the delivery list at your pick up site and taking only what you have ordered.
We are deploying site hosts (our farmers) to some of our local sites to make sure everyone gets what they have ordered.
We are asking for your help in the Truckee/Tahoe area. If you are interested in site hosting for a few hours at some of our public sites - please let us know. We pay in veggies! (Thank you to Mary who has been doing this at Mountain Valley Meats the past few weeks!)
We will be temporarily shortening the pickup hours for all sites and asking you to pick up by 7 pm. Please maintain social distancing while you pick up. If you have an issue, let us know and we'll help sort it out.
Disclaimer: Box contents are dependent on actual harvest, but this is what you’ll likely receive in your boxes.
Artichokes (Coke Farm)
Broccoli (Coke Farm)
Carrots (Coke Farm)
Snap Peas (Coke Farm)
Onions (Coke Farm)
Baby Bok Choi (Coke Farm)
Beets (Coke Farm)
Spring Onions (Terra Firma)
Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)
Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)
Artichokes (Coke Farm)
Broccoli (Coke Farm)
Carrots (Coke Farm)
Snap Peas (Coke Farm)
Beets (Coke Farm)
Spring Onions (Terra Frima)
Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)
Sign-ups are open for Summer Fruit Shares! Available June 2nd - October 15th.
EARLY SPRING FLOWERS: (Provided by Little Boy Flowers)
This is Week 4 of 8 of the Early Spring Flower Share. Sign up for the Summer Flower Share here.
Recipes may sometimes call for more or less of a certain item in your boxes, or an ingredient you might not have on hand. We encourage you to enjoy the creativity associated with eating locally and seasonally.
1. The delivery list is an integral part of our operation. We ask that you bring your own pen to the drop site and initial for your order. As always, please only take what has been delivered for you.
2. We ask that you only touch the box/bag/bouquet that are a part of your order.
3. In order to limit the time spent at each site, we are asking that you take your box home instead of spending time to unload your shares into reusable bags at the site.
3. If you are sick, please send a friend to pick up for you and let them know about the pick up procedure. If you cannot leave home, or need help with pickup, please let us know and we will endeavor to find a way to get you your box.
4. All produce has been packed by farm employees who are in good health and following our food safety policies.
If there's a problem, please take what we’ve delivered for you and contact us by email or phone.
If you share your subscription, please use make sure you check in every week about who will pick up so one of you does not accidentally take someone else's order.
If you send someone else to pick up for you, please make sure they know the pick up procedure.
Log into your account with CSAware (place your box on hold, update your account, renew your subscription)
Pick up Sites Information
Current Members
Mountain Bounty Farm