Letter from John - Help us sustain Mountain Bounty Farm


Winter 2019-20, Week 9 of 25

Dear Farm Members,

I hope you all are enjoying the slower pace and cozier times of these dark winter days. I’m wondering if you would be willing to help us with an important new farm initiative. We need to recruit some additional CSA members. The farm is thriving in so many ways, and for a variety of reasons, we are starting to see a small but significant decrease in our CSA membership. We continue to throw ourselves wholeheartedly into farming and we think it shows:

What we have to offer is better than ever:

  • We hear from many sources that our produce is the cleanest, freshest, tastiest, and most beautiful around.

  • We are switching to new web signup software that will make CSA membership easier and more flexible than in the past. For example, members will have the option to sign up in 4 week increments as well as the traditional 6 month seasons. Also, you will be able to easily put your box temporarily on hold if you go out of town.

  •  We believe that connecting directly to your local farm, where a strong team of real people are working hard to make a difference, is more important than ever in this age of convenience and instant-everything.

So here’s what we are going to do:

We are going to call all of you to ask you if you will reach out to your friends and encourage them to join the CSA. For each member you gather, we will give you one additional veggie box week on your subscription, or $25 cash, whichever you wish. All you have to do is tell your friends to mention your name when they sign up. We’ll email you and you can choose if you would like box credits or cash.

We know that our CSA members are our strongest advocates. And we also know that word of mouth is how this CSA has always gotten the job done. Please take a few minutes to connect with your community and help keep the farm going strong into the new year!


Your farmer,

John Tecklin