Week 39/52 of 2022
Dear Farm Members,
Tales of a First Year Farmer
Oh to be a first year farmer at Mountain Bounty Farm! There are a handful of us here at Mountain Bounty who have just taken their first steps into the world of produce production, jettisoned from our boring non-farmer lives into the wonderful realm of dirt and veggies. And what a fun place it is! Coming into the season I didn't know what the heck a kohlrabi was. Is kohlrabi even real? Is that a word? Turns out they are real, and delicious. In our short time here we have learned so much from the lovely crew and now take pride in being able to call ourselves true dirt ridden, straw hat wearin', veggie corallers. Our backgrounds may be varied, but we can all agree that having the chance to work the earth and be a part of a sustainable food system is an experience that is more than amazing. We are all grateful to be a part of this community and to learn the joys of pulling a big, fat, meaty, juicy, beefalicious beet out from the ground, knowing that it will end up on somebody's dinner plate.
Various tales of a First Year Farmer:
-Chasing geese off the crops
-Doing donuts in a tractor
-Fixing said tractor after doing said donuts
-Feeding the neighbor's goats some yummy carrots
-Playing in big 'ol puddles after the first fall rain
-Crop transplant racing
-Avoiding the farm's beehive full of angry angry bees
-Having a wardrobe that is usually tinted brown with earthy dirt tones
-Relocating gophers
-Frolicking hand in hand in the fields
-Filling up on the best produce around!
Enjoy your shares this week,
Farmer Jack
Mark your calendars: We're hosting a Harvest Festival (and our own 25th Birthday Party!) on Saturday, November 5th. There will be games, crafts, music, square dancing, and a pig roast. More information to come and we hope to see you there.
This is likely what you'll receive in your shares but subject to change based on harvest. Box contents for the following week are posted online on Thursday here.
Red Peppers
Red Peppers
Cast-Iron Pizza with Fennel and Sausage
Greek Orzo Stuffed Red Peppers with Lemony Basil Tomatoes
Savory White Beans with Chard on Toast
SUMMER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)
Please double check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for this share. You can sign up for shares starting next week here.
Please do not take a Summer Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.
Warren Pears (classic European texture — soft and juicy with a melting mouth feel. The Warren pear is sweet to taste and avoids the typical grittiness found in most other pear varieties.)
Emerald Beaut Plums (A freestone plum, the Emerald Beaut is a delicate green that turns golden with a hint of a blush. It has a firmer texture than the Santa Rosa with a crisp almost crunchy mouthfeel. One of our most hardy fruits, the Emerald Beaut just gets sweeter and sweeter without losing texture as it ages.) OR Flavor Treat Pluots (They're reddish-purple over tender, yellow flesh that's extremely juicy. One of our last stone-fruits of the season, the Flavor Treat, is a welcome reminder of the height of summer.)
Gala Apples (Sweet, fragrant, and very juicy, Gala apples are one of our favorites to eat out of hand..)
Reed avocados (Reed avocados are larger, rounder, and creamier than the popular Hass variety. They're widely known for their creamy smooth texture and buttery flesh.)
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