CSA Newsletter Week 37/52 (September 13/15)


Week 37/52 of 2022

Dear Farm Members,

Each Thursday afternoon, our crew gathers in a stifling hot office and formulates our plan of action for the following week. We prioritize tasks based on how urgent they are, coordinate weeding with watering and transplanting, we make time to seed our new crops in the greenhouse while also managing our crops in the ground. We talk about pests and diseases and how best we can manage them. We try to find space for every single crop we want to grow and are always amazed that we can somehow find more room. We also spend three days a week harvesting and packing for our CSA, wholesale accounts like Briarpatch Co-op and our favorite restaurants, and harvesting for the Nevada City Farmers Market. Needless to say, our schedule is packed and it's a delicate and well rehearsed orchestra performance that we achieve each week.

We then switch gears and talk about what we want to harvest and put in the CSA box for the following week. We have a rough "box formula" that we like to adhere to (root vegetable, alium, bunched green, lettuce and herb plus other speciality items as seasonally available in each box.) With that in mind, we discuss what's ready to harvest, what you got in your box last week, the different items we want to put in small vs. regular, what the total value of the box is, what meals you could potentially make with all the items, etc. This is a fun and collaborative process that really makes the box feel like something special. Once we decide on contents, we put them on our website for those of you who meal prep and like to know what to expect.

All this to say, farming is a real labor or love (done in 100 degree heat and smoke filled skies) but we do it because we love it and because we love sharing these wonderful things we grow with you. We hope you can feel the love each week when you pick up your CSA shares.

Enjoy your shares this week,




This is likely what you'll receive in your shares but subject to change based on harvest. Box contents for the following week are posted online on Thursday here.

  • Lettuce

  • Red Peppers

  • Potatoes

  • Basil

  • Leeks

  • Sage

  • Collard Greens

  • Shishito Peppers

  • Cucumbers/Cherry Tomatoes

  • Eggplant

  • Tomatoes


  • Lettuce

  • Red Peppers

  • Potatoes

  • Basil

  • Scallions

  • Sage

  • Collards

  • Shishito Peppers


Our big item this week is potatoes which we harvested in August and now slowly give out until the end of the year. Because we're also giving leeks in the regular box, I'd suggest a Potato and Leek soup, thankfully it's cooled down a bit since last week. I'm not a soup person so I'm thinking I will make a Potato and Leek Gratin. Maybe brown butter sage gnocchi is more your style (I promise gnocchi is not as intimidating as it seems.) If you aren't sure what to do with your sage bundle from the week, here's some tips on how to dry it and use it throughout the fall. You'll want some when we give out butternut squash! I also saw this video on the internet a few weeks ago and I've been excited to try Miso Glazed Leeks.

Collards aren't as popular as their cousin Kale, but I promise they are just as good. I'm excited to try this Crispy Chickpea Stew or stick to the classics and cook with ham hock and bacon. You may notice a hole or two in your collard leaves this week. You can thank the cabbage moths for testing some of the leaves. 

This may be our last week for basil, so don't forget to make a batch a pesto. You can always freeze any extra pesto (pro-tip: freeze in ice cube trays) and then you'll have easy portions to add to dishes throughout the fall.

Finally, our shade cloth on our red pepper patch this year has produced an astounding amount of red peppers without sun damage. I'd highly suggest making Romesco Sauce, which does require roasting or grilling your peppers but you're going to want to put this sauce on everything. I'd also recommend making a Shashuka on a slow Sunday morning with fresh tomatoes and red peppers.

SUMMER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)

Please double check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for this share. You can sign up for shares starting next week here.

Please do not take a Summer Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.

  • Autumn Flame Peaches (Autumn Flame brings the peach harvest to a close with a truly nostalgic peach sweetness. The Autumn Flame is naturally more firm but softens beautifully if aged properly on the kitchen counter. It becomes almost as meltingly soft as a Gold Dust if left to enjoy until the skin begins to wrinkle slightly.)

  • Emerald Beaut Plums (A freestone plum, the Emerald Beaut is a delicate green that turns golden with a hint of a blush. It has a firmer texture than the Santa Rosa with a crisp almost crunchy mouthfeel. One of our most hardy fruit, the Emerald Beaut just gets sweeter and sweeter without losing texture as it ages.)

  • Flavor Fall Pluots (This late-season pluot variety brings our stone fruit season to a close. These pluots are dark-skinned with a golden colored, firm, juicy flesh, with a very mild aroma, complementing an appealing, balanced sweet and tart flavor.)

  • Hosui Asian Pears (The Hosui is popular in both Japan and in California. Hosuis have a rougher, thicker skin than the other Asian pear varieties we grow. They have a flesh that while still crunchy has a more melting mouthful, making the texture combination when eaten out of hand spectacular. Very sweet with a mild pear taste, their round shape and beautiful golden hue make them ideal for presentation with a distinctively Autumnal feel. )

  • Reed avocados (Reed avocados are larger, rounder, and creamier than the popular Hass variety. They're widely known for their creamy smooth texture and buttery flesh.)

SUMMER FLOWER SHARES continue this week! Next week is the final delivery of the Summer Flower Share. If you've placed your share on hold this season, you will receive a cash credit on your account which will automatically apply towards your next order with us. Thank you for your support of our Flower Shares!

Mountain Bounty Farm

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