CSA Newsletter Week 32/52 (August 9th and 11th)


Week 32/52 of 2022

Dear Farm Members,

It’s hard to believe that it is finally August, but here we are! Month of lifting heavy things, harvesting storage crops and long days spent transplanting for the fall. We’ve been incredibly impressed by the consistent quality and quantity of the produce we’ve been able to bring out of the fields each week, and our box values, as they typically do in the summer months, continue to hover well above the average cost per box.

We look forward to this next season of farming. If you are thinking of us, we’ll be crossing our fingers for smoke free days and the strength and resilience to keep our spirits high and your boxes overflowing. Wish us luck!

Enjoy your shares this week




  • Potatoes

  • Melon

  • Lettuce

  • Red Onion

  • Green Beans

  • Basil

  • Tomatoes

  • Carrots

  • Eggplant


  • Potatoes

  • Melon

  • Cucumber/Green Bell Peppers

  • Red Onion

  • Green Beans

  • Basil

  • Tomatoes

SUMMER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)

Please double check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for this share. You can sign up for shares starting next week here.

Please do not take a Summer Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.

  • Summer Lady peaches (An early-ripening variant of the O'Henry, it is similarly well-balanced and aromatic. Slightly more round and uniform than its O'Henry parentage, the Summer Lady has deep burgundy streaks at maturity and delights our tastebuds almost a full two weeks earlier.)

  • August Red nectarines (These late season nectarine that is elegantly shaped and rich in flavor, with deep red skin and warm orange flesh.)

  • Crimson Royale pluots (With an elongated shape similar to an apricot, the Crimson Royale has a tangy red skin which contrasts deliciously with the sweet orange flesh within.)

  • Reed avocados (These softball-sized specialty avocados have thick green pebbly and easy to peel skin which gives way to a buttery and creamy flesh)

SUMMER FLOWER SHARES continue this week! You can you can join here for shares starting next week.



Black Pepper Tofu and Eggplant

Cantaloupe Popsicles

Caprese Sandwich

Tomato Galette

Mountain Bounty Farm

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