CSA Newsletter Week 27/52 (July 5th and 7th)


Week 27/52 of 2022

Dear Farm Members,

As some of you may know, our farm on Birchville Road was under mandatory evacuation last week due to the Rices fire. Fortunately, the fire stayed away from our farm and our crew were safe in evacuating the area. After a few days of being unable to access the property, we joyfully returned on Friday to harvest for the Nevada City Farmers Market. This time of year things grow so fast and without our eyes on the fields for a few days, we returned to baseball bat sized zucchini, corn as tall as the moon, and an even taller to-do list. 

This week we'll scramble to get ourselves back situated all while singing the praises of the many firefighters and emergency personnel who were able to get the Rices fire under control and who will work tirelessly this season to protect many communities throughout the region from wildfire. We are so grateful for not only them, but also the support of you, our CSA members, who really put the "community" in community supported agriculture last week as you supported us during a challenging time. We are so thankful for you!

Enjoy your share this week,




  • Green Beans

  • Cucumbers

  • Lettuce

  • Scallions

  • Onions

  • Celery

  • Carrots

  • Basil

  • Zucchini

  • Broccoli


  • Green Beans

  • Cucumbers

  • Lettuce

  • Scallions

  • Onions

  • Celery

  • Cauliflower

SUMMER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)

Please double check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for this share. You can sign up for shares starting next week here:https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/summer-fruit-share-wnc-C23344

Please do not take a Summer Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.

  • Flavortop Nectarines (The Flavor Top is one of the highest scoring nectarine varieties in regional fruit tastings. It's a beautiful variety, with bold streaks of red and yellow and firm succulent flesh. They hold up extremely well when sliced so are ideally suited for a fragrant midsummer fruit salad and are one of the varieties we especially recommend for grilling.)

  • Suncrest Peaches (A Slow Food Ark heritage variety, the Suncrest has all the old-fashioned taste of days gone by. It's a truly memorable peach whose firm but juicy flesh provides a real eat-over-the-sink experience. Gently tapered, the Suncrest has hardly any blush to speak of on its rich yellow skin. A more fragile variety, the Suncrest bruises easily when picked, but as many of our farmers market customers know, a picking bruise means the fruit is truly tree-ripened and extra delicious.)

SUMMER FLOWER SHARES start this week! You can you can join here for shares starting next week.

Each bouquet is wrapped in brown paper and there are several bouquets in each plastic bucket at the site. Please only take one bouquet if you are signed up for this share!


It's green bean season!

Grilled Peach and Burrata Salad

Cucumber Bulgur Salad

Spicy Smashed Cucumber Salad

Creamy Celery Salad

Little Gem Caesar Salad

Mountain Bounty Farm

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