CSA Newsletter Week 25/52


Week 25/52 of 2022

Dear Farm Members,

As the first early tomatoes ripen under the strawberry moon, we finally start to feel like summer might be here! We've been so fortunate with some moderate spring weather and our crops are basking in all their glory. This week we'll celebrate the longest day of the year and the official start of summer, June 21st, by planting our second succession of melons, a true summer treat, and frantically chasing the end of the weekly to-do list.

Summer means time for vacation for many of you and I wanted to remind you about our unlimited vacation holds for your shares. You can place your share on hold from your Member Dashboard (https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/accounts/dash.jsp) by Friday at 11pm the week before. Don't forget to hold each share if you get more than one share from us. More information on how vacation holds work can be found here or feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Enjoy your share this week,




  • Caraflex Cabbage

  • Baby Bok Choy

  • Dino Kale

  • Cilantro

  • Zucchini or Cucumber

  • Lettuce

  • Chioggia Beets

  • Fresh Onions

  • Fennel

  • Broccoli


  • Caraflex Cabbage

  • Baby Bok Choy

  • Cilantro

  • Zucchini or Cucumber

  • Lettuce

  • Chioggia Beets

  • Fresh Onions

SUMMER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)

Please double check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for this share. You can sign up for shares starting next week here:https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/summer-fruit-share-wnc-C23344

Please do not take a Summer Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.

  • Flavorcrest Peaches (A classic California peach, the Flavorcrest has a beautiful crimson red blush over bold yellow skin. It's a well-known peach whose attractiveness and bold sweetness make it the third most widely planted fresh-market peach in California. Flavorcrests at Frog Hollow enjoy more time on the branch to fully develop their distinctive sweetness.)

  • Goshen Gold Apricots ( This brightly colored late season fruit hangs well on the tree, allowing sugars maximum time for development. Brixing higher than any other apricot variety on the farm (24), it is our new favorite in flavor.)

  • Santa Rosa Plums (Red-skinned with a purple bloom, the Santa Rosa's amber flesh gets flushed with red as it ripens. This fruit is plump perfection with a bit of tartness in the skin that balances out the sweet and juicy flesh.)

SUMMER FLOWER SHARES are available now and you can join here.


Cabbage Fennel Slaw

Chioggia Beet Salad

Garlicy Bok Choy

Apricot Glazed Chicken (use muddled fresh apricots instead of preserves)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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