CSA Newsletter Week 27/52 - July 6th/8th

Week 27/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

A time comes every year when spring greens are long gone, leaving our veggie boxes heavy from summer’s gold - zucchini, cucumbers, corn, onions, and beyond. Summer greens are no easy feat in hot weather! This brings me to Mizuna, the miraculous bunched green you’ll find in your boxes this week. It’s quick to grow and tolerates the heat well, making it a perfect pinch hitter in the moments between heftier greens. Delicious in a salad, or lightly cooked in soups and stir fries, it has a spicy, mustard-y kick similar to arugula or a mild mustard green. It’s one of our many treats to you this week, and we hope you love it! Stay cool out there, and when in doubt, eat a salad. 


CSA Cooking Classes

We're hosting our third and final CSA cooking class on Thursday, July 15th, at 6:00 PM.

Soon you'll be swimming in tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, corn, melons, and more! We're here to help. Join this cooking class with Wendy Van Wagner as she talks through all the ways to prep, enjoy, and preserve summer's bounty.

Wendy Van Wagner is a public health educator who has spent the last ten years providing direct nutrition education to rural communities in Northern California. Wendy has seen how increased health literacy and education can positively impact our health behaviors. She enjoys collaborating with artists to create compelling health messaging tools that invite the habits we wish to include in our lives. Prior to her career in public health, Wendy founded In the Kitchen cooking school and catering in Nevada County where she built a thriving business that connected people to delicious, wholesome food and imparted the skills to take charge of their health and happiness at home. Wendy has a master’s degree in health education and lives in Nevada City, CA.

ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/96999373870?pwd=ZkZtYlBueHM4WElMVTJzbDJIcEtLQT09

Missed our last cooking class? You can watch it here. (Passcode: m1eY&wY$)

Wendy also has provided tip sheets that we've included on our website. CSA Cooking Class 1: Tips and Tricks and CSA Cooking Class 2: Exit Strategies to use up your produce 


Our boxes are the best of what's in season! This list is what we are aiming to provide, but sometimes we have to substitute some items in your box.


  • Sweet Corn

  • Basil

  • Lettuce

  • Broccoli

  • Zucchini

  • Cucumbers

  • Green Beans

  • Mizuna

  • Carrots

  • Garlic


  • Sweet Corn

  • Basil

  • Lettuce

  • Broccoli

  • Zucchini

  • Green Beans

  • Mizuna

SUMMER FRUIT SHARE continues this week!

  • Ebony Rose Plums (Lee Family Farm)

  • Arctic Flair White Nectarines (Lee Family Farm)

  • Crimson Lady Yellow Peaches (Lee Family Farm)

  • Ivory Princess White peaches (Lee Family Farm)

SUMMER FLOWER SHARE (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

The Summer Flower shares start this week, Tuesday, July 6th! You can check to see if you are signed up here: https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/store/subscriptions.jsp or you can join in for shares starting next week here: https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/summer-flower-share-wnc-C21726.


Creamy Broccoli Slaw

Smashed Persian Cucumbers with Sesame and Ginger

Grilled Little Gem Salad with Pita Croutons

Zucchini Cardamom Bread

Mizuna Salad with Soy Sesame Dressing

Mountain Bounty Farm

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