CSA Newsletter Week 21/52

Week 21/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

After much anticipation, we’ve begun harvesting beautiful heads of broccoli and broccolini from the first of our spring plantings. Broccoli is one of the most beloved vegetables that we grow, so much so that we periodically consider changing our name to ‘Mountain Bounty Broccoli Farm’. A lover of cool weather, water, and high soil fertility makes this crop tricky to grow, especially in our region, where shoulder seasons are far too ephemeral. We do our best to grow as much as possible throughout the spring and fall, with a goal of supplying the CSA, farmer’s market, and wholesale accounts with all the broccoli anyone could ever dream of. The real joy in growing broccoli, however, is the harvest. The plants are tall, sometimes waist-high, with emerald crowns that sit low enough to turn each harvest into a hunt. The feeling of peering past jurassic-level leaves to discover a broccoli crown that’s bigger than your head... is one I can only describe as pure euphoria. Here’s hoping that you enjoy the broccoli in your boxes this week as much as we enjoyed harvesting it for you! 


CSA Cooking Class 

This Wednesday, May 26th at 6 pm, we are hosting our first CSA cooking class! Hosted by CSA Member and public health educator, Wendy Van Wagner, we'll go over tips and tricks for storing your produce from your CSA and how to use the CSA box to guide your menu planning throughout the week. Whether you are new to the CSA or been a member for 20 years, this class is a great place to find new inspiration for your CSA!

See you Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 6:00 PM  7:30 PM via Zoom! Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97067714969?pwd=WmRrYVBNMW1sWUI0MDJQaGVEM3dxQT09

Farm Tour with Sierra Harvest

An updated version of a Sierra Harvest classic, the Farm Potluck, we’ll be kicking off the 2021 Farm Tour season with a tour of Mountain Bounty Farm! Learn about the history of our farm (we’re almost 25 years old), how we feed 900 households each week, and meet your MBF farmers!

Tickets are $10 and available from the Sierra Harvest website: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehy3ave2f08e400b&oseq=&c=&ch=


It's officially Summer! For years, we've offered a 25-week Summer CSA share full of delicious, fresh produce. We missed everyone over the winter so we started offering a 25-week Winter CSA a few years ago. In 2020, we moved to a year-round model with our CSA subscriptions including automatic renewal and unlimited vacation holds. The residual start of the "Summer CSA" is when we set a goal for ourselves to have all the items in the box from Mountain Bounty Farm from now until Thanksgiving. We hope you enjoy the bounty!


  • Red Russian Kale

  • Spinach

  • Red Beets

  • Lettuce

  • Broccolini/Broccoli

  • Radishes

  • Sugar Snap Peas

  • Cilantro

  • Chives


  • Red Russian Kale

  • Spinach

  • Red Beets

  • Lettuce

  • Broccoli

  • Bok Choi

  • Zucchini

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the second week of the PEONY Flower Share. The Early Spring Flower share ended two weeks ago. The Peony Shares are a separate subscription and continue for 4 weeks. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet.


Spinach Pie

Balsamic Marinated Beets 

Charred Broccoli Salad with Dates, Almonds, and Cheddar

Spicy Sauteed Sesame Garlic Broccolini

Sugar Snap Pea Tempura 

Spring Cobb Salad with Green Goddess Dressing(snap peas, radishes, scallions, cilantro)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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